PPAU Application - Polaris [PPAU]Hurricane-Rising on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hurricane-rising/art/PPAU-Application-Polaris-PPAU-831029986Hurricane-Rising

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PPAU Application - Polaris [PPAU]



\\  G E N E R A L  //

Name >  Polaris (Poh-LAER-iss)

Nickname(s) > N/A

Tribe > IceWing / HiveWing

Occupation/Affiliation > Alliance Member

Talon/Order >  Order of the Shield

Appearance > Polaris is large and broad-shouldered, with pink scales and a red underbelly. She has two sets of Pyrrhian wings and white horns. Her sclerae are a dark color and she has unnerving white eyes.

Scars > Most of her fighting has been in training yards. Despite the intensity of her training, she doesn’t have any scars at this point in time. However, she will likely gain some in the future.

Age > 15

Birthday > February 19th

Gender > Female

    Pronouns > She/her

Sexuality > Heterosexual

\\  A B I L I T I E S  //

TRIBAL POWERS > Polaris has a venomous bite. She can control whether or not her bite has venom. The venom is never lethal, but it can be debilitating in larger doses. Additionally, Polaris is capable of expelling minor, mostly harmless puffs of frostbreath. While not particularly useful for combat, it can be used for short-term medicinal usage, showmanship, or bluffing in fights.

GIVEN POWERS > Polaris’ IceWing heritage grants her reflective scales, serrated claws, and cold resistance.


Survival > 4

Tribe Abilities > 5

Knowledge: IceWing Nobility/Culture > 5 (Noble/Honorable IceWing)

Battle Tactics > 6/8

Weapon Proficiencies: Polearms > 4/8

Education/Training > Polaris began her education in a high-class general school in the Ice Kingdom, where she learned to read, write, learn basic geography, mathematics, and history. As she grew, she was forced into the IceWing military by her father, which she would spend the rest of her childhood in. Polaris learned IceWing battle tactics from her time training in the IceWing military. Upon maturing, she traveled to the Hive Kingdom in search of a teacher, whom she found in retired HiveWing generals and soldiers. Paying them well, they taught her how to combat her enemies like a HiveWing. Using the knowledge she had gained from training with both IceWings and HiveWings, she began developing her own fighting style consisting of a combination of both tribes, which she still actively develops and practices to this day.

In addition, she took up polearms while in the IceWing military, which she shortly abandoned after learning them. However, recently she began picking them back up and practicing with these long-ranged melee weapons.



Strength > 10
Agility/Dexterity > 4
Defense/Constitution > 10
Intelligence/Book Smarts > 3
Wisdom/Observation > 4
Charisma > 2
Stamina > 8
Flying > 4


\\  P E R S O N A L I T Y  //


Gallant > Polaris is willing to stand up to any foe, no matter how big and powerful they may be. No matter the horrors she may face, she will always fight to protect her honor.

Strong-Willed  > Much like her mother, Polaris has a strong will. Her strong will makes her able to push through seemingly anything thrown her way.

Honorable > Despite her aggressive nature, Polaris believes in honor. She praises those who earn their stripes and become powerful through their own effort or through what she considers to be honorable or valiant methods. She hates people who use underhanded tactics or attacks in fights.


Power-Hungry >  Polaris is always striving to become more and more powerful, sometimes by any means she finds “honorable.” Then she likes to try out what she learns on others. You can figure out the rest.

Dependent > Polaris is a follower, not a leader, no matter how much she pretends to be. While she has the opportunity to thrive in a group environment, she can become incredibly dependent on others to support her when things get rough, so much to the point where she can’t support herself.

Opinionated> Polaris has strong opinions about many things. She will defend that which she believes in ‘till her last breath but will vehemently oppose that which goes against her morals, ethics, or ideals.


Stubborn >  Polaris is a very stubborn dragon. She is very opinionated and always wants things to go her way.

Spoiled > Despite her very militaristic life, she has always had the best: the best food and the best training. She feels like everything she receives is what she deserves.

Fiery > This cold dragon has a hot temper which can easily flare up at even slight annoyances. Do not get on this dragon’s bad side.

LIKES > Sparring and combat, competitions (usually those of strength), structure

DISLIKES > Reading, sleeping, arachnids


> Despite her tough façade, Polaris secretly wants to find a mate and have dragonets. She’s a big softy around those she truly loves, which right now is just her mother, Vespa.

> Polaris really likes hugs. She'll never tell though.


> Polaris is deathly afraid of spiders. She shivers at even the thought of them.


> Polaris secretly hopes that Princess Neva, sister to Queen Ptarmigan, challenges Ptarmigan for the throne because she falls more in line with Polaris’ ideas on how the Ice Kingdom should be run.

> Polaris wishes she could be closer to her half-sister, Juniper.

\\  H I S T O R Y  //

Baby Dragonet >  Born to a HiveWing mother and an IceWing father in the cold, bleak Ice Kingdom, Polaris was destined for a lifetime of combat training from the time of her hatching. From the time she could walk, she was forced into battle training with other hatchlings. Play fighting turned to training as toy spears turned to metal in a short time. There was no happy, innocent childhood for her. It was torn from her grasp very early on by her father, Aquilo, whom she would grow to despise.

Dragonet > As the young dragonet grew, she became more adept at fighting. Her body was that of an IceWing yet her grace was that of a HiveWing. She eagerly listened to her mentors on the art of combat, for combat was all she knew. Aquilo would wake her up at the crack of dawn and scurry out for training. She would arrive home hours later tired, battered, and hungry. Aquilo used his noble influence to feed her the most hearty meals in order to win her favor, which he would use to attempt to manipulate her to join the IceWing military later in her life. When she finished eating, she would sleep very soon after and repeat the same process. This miserably draining process would carry on for her entire childhood.

   On the morning of her fifth birthday, the only day every year she always would have off from training, she awoke to hear, or rather not hear, her mother, Vespa. Normally she’s awake humming to herself as she makes breakfast for herself and her daughter, but that morning, she was unnaturally silent, with only the soft sound of the rustling of cloth filling the air. The night before after Polaris collapsed into bed from exhaustion, Aquilo revealed her affair with a RainWing and said he had an egg with her. Tears in her eyes, Vespa hugged her daughter who had been used by Aquilo, quickly finished packing what little she actually owned, and took the earliest ferry to Pantala. She wouldn’t see her mother for years, and she wouldn’t know why she left. All she knew was that Aquilo was behind the leaving of her mother. Word of Aquilo's affair reaches Queen Ptarmigan, who swiftly exiles Aquilo to a faraway outpost for his infidelity, forcing Polaris into the first major experience of change in her life.

Young Adult >  Years pass on by and Polaris has fully grown up and moved out of the house. Now on her own, Polaris saved money and traveled to Pantala to meet her mother once again.

   When she arrived in the Hive Kingdom, Polaris had something she had dreamed of for her entire life: freedom. This sudden freedom she gained filled her with choice paralysis. What should she do? What was next? She didn't have to… train? Lost and unsure of what to do, she can't help but go back to her regiment drilled into her brain by her father. Wake up, train, eat, sleep. She had a deep respect for their military and began seeking out retired generals and soldiers. Paying all the money she made to them while there, they taught her how to fight like a HiveWing. This would be the start of her own style of fighting, combining the tactical power of HiveWing combat with the pure aggression of IceWing combat. Over time she grew competent with this unique style, and when she returned to the Ice Kingdom a year later she easily became the strongest of the soldiers she had trained at the IceWing military academy. This show of strength did not go unnoticed. After some time, Polaris' strength was recognized by IceWing royalty; as such she received an honorable status and great respect.

   One cold winter day during a sparring match, without Polaris’ knowledge, an IceWing named Icestorm watched from the side. Icestorm took interest in Polaris’ unconventionally powerful fighting style and informally invited her to be a part of the Order of the Shield on the Isle Mezzo. Polaris cautiously accepted and made her way to the mysterious island between Pantala and Pyrrhia. She began her training under Icestorm, learning what it meant to be an Alliance member and a more powerful warrior. Over a year later, she was cordially and officially invited to join the Order of the Shield’s ranks. Polaris accepted. And so the newest Shieldite’s story begins...


\\  R E L A T I O N S H I P S  //

PARENTS > Vespa and Aquilo are since divorced due to Aquilo having an affair with a RainWing.

    >>  Vespa (HiveWing mother)

Polaris prefers her mother to her father. Unlike Aquilo, who is much tougher on her, Vespa has always been an upfront but understanding dragoness. She always has a calming air around her and her strong will to stay collected and coordinated under pressure has passed onto her daughter. To Polaris, Vespa is a voice of reason in her life.

    >> Aquilo (IceWing father)

Polaris strongly dislikes her father. Due to a childhood injury leaving him partially blind and unable to fight for the IceWing military and become a hero like he always wanted to be, he has tried to force her into the IceWing military against her wishes for years but has remained unsuccessful. She felt like he was trying to destroy her freedom for most of her life. If Aquilo is in the vicinity, Polaris will go as far as to skip town until he has left.

SIBLINGS > Juniper (half-sister)

Juniper, a 10 year old RainWing/IceWing hybrid, is not a dragon Polaris sees often. Juniper’s RainWing blood has driven her to the rainforest with her mother, a place too humid for Polaris’ tastes. Occasionally, Polaris will agree to meet Juniper in Possibility or another area more suited for her tastes. Due to them not being together much, they do not share a very strong bond.




> THE ICE KINGDOM - She respects the Ice Kingdom’s military and strong will but secretly wishes the tribe was under different leadership (see: Wishes and Dreams).

> THE HIVE KINGDOM - Despite preferring the weather of the Ice Kingdom, there’s a certain allure to the Hive Kingdom she can’t resist. (Perhaps that’s the HiveWing neurotoxins talking, but…) She loves to visit her mother and go walking along the many market stalls in the hives.

> THE ORDER OF THE SHIELD - She has not met the Shieldites yet, but has heard tales of their adventures. She holds respect for them.



Item 1 > Halberd - A long weapon with a wooden core and a steel head. The head consists of a long pointed tip, an axe head on one side, and a hook on the other. The metal is polished but shows some signs of wear due to use. The wood is varnished and well maintained, showing almost no signs of wear. The halberd is the length of her body, minus her tail.

Item 2 > Empty Item Slot

Item 3 > Empty Item Slot

Item 4 > Empty Item Slot



Quest: N/A [leaving here for now]

Rewards Gained: N/A [leaving here for now]

Total Dragon Tears Gained: 0

Inspiration: None

Leveling Rate: Nonban

Starting Stats: STR [10], DEX [4], CON [7], INT [3], WIS [4], CHA [2], STA [6], FLY [4]

Starting Skills: Survival [6], Tribe Abilities [6], Knowledge: IceWing Nobility/Culture [5] Battle Tactics [6], Weapon Proficiencies [Polearms] [4], Intimidation [2]


\\  E X T R A  //

BANS: Hybrid


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© 2020 - 2025 Hurricane-Rising
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