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:EDIT 2: This account is pretty much dead, but reading all the fights in the comments still gives me a good laugh. Keep it up guys.
:EDIT: Im lol'ing so much at all the butthurt Dubstep-tards comments trying to convince me that Dubstep is the greatest music genre ever made. Keep up the comments, they're hilarious
Yup. I hate dupstep.
Why? Because Dubstep is just computer generated nosies thrown into a patteren to make a beat. Im sorry, but I like my music written and performed by talanted musicians, not some computer generated noises thrown together.
Seriously, why do you think so many remixes of things on the internet are dubstep? Because its the easiest thing to make.
Other dubstep haters leave a comment and feel free to use.
Heres another awesome Anti-Dubstep stamp BTW…
:EDIT: Im lol'ing so much at all the butthurt Dubstep-tards comments trying to convince me that Dubstep is the greatest music genre ever made. Keep up the comments, they're hilarious
Yup. I hate dupstep.
Why? Because Dubstep is just computer generated nosies thrown into a patteren to make a beat. Im sorry, but I like my music written and performed by talanted musicians, not some computer generated noises thrown together.
Seriously, why do you think so many remixes of things on the internet are dubstep? Because its the easiest thing to make.
Other dubstep haters leave a comment and feel free to use.
Heres another awesome Anti-Dubstep stamp BTW…
Image size
98x55px 1.25 KB
© 2012 - 2025 HTFlover777
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Trance is better.