Hello there! I'm Henrie Thalias. I'm a hobbyist who pops by every once in a while to post drawings. I mostly draw art of a world where gender roles are reversed.
If you have any suggestions of art you'd like to see, or just want to chat, feel free to leave a comment or DM, or reach out to me on Discord (@ht6420381)!
art suggestion a female priest ranting about why mafele should wear dresses and skirts and should not wear pants and t shirts
Okay thanks
so men are weaker and women are stronger any other biological differences ?
I'm still working out the details but that's the main one. Women are also generally taller and larger than men, have more body hair, and have a higher sex drive.
what is this universe point of divergence ?
It was some point in pre-history, when gender roles first began to solidify. Gender roles developed the opposite way, so society valued strong women and passive men. Over thousands of years of self-selection, these roles began to shape biology--women became stronger and men weaker--which in turn reinforced the gender roles.
Thanks for the fave💕