Spy-ral Green, GabbyHsien-KoLover on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hsien-kolover/art/Spy-ral-Green-Gabby-1105806767Hsien-KoLover

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Spy-ral Green, Gabby



Now for the group's gentlest, most protective member!

Name: Gabby

Age: 18

Race: Golem

Gender: Female

Power: Soothing Soil (Able to surround suspects with scented soil to help sedate them.)

Lore: This gentle golem was given life by accident, and desired to learn about the world. This led to her joining all sorts of groups, including the circus and even the mafia! She finally joined the Spy-ral Agents to learn more about the concepts of justice, law, and order. She's a sweetheart who hates conflict, and wants to be friends with everyone. She uses her power purely to avoid conflict, causing her to be dubbed the group's sweetheart, and the most deserving of protection. Given life on September 11, 2005.

Fun Facts: She's a golem of few words, preferring to hug people to get to know them. She also doesn't take sudden aggression well...make her cry, however, and you'll have the Spy-ral Agents on your tail in a hurry. They're very protective of her, as they view her as their innocent and compassionate little sister, despite none of them actually being related. She has a slight crush on Vlad.

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