Heyo, sorry for the wait; we've been going through some internal restructuring. The guidelines for the animation auditions were taken down in order to update them, but apparently we never put new ones up. :/
As per our new order of operations, we now start the process with the audio and animate over that. This is the opening song:
www.dropbox.com/s/9s8ug454rfr7… ; you can choose a segment of that to animate over, using our character art, if you like:
hsanimeproject.deviantart.com/… . Feel free to choose a different audio if you want, we just want to see that you can synchronise your animation with pre-existing audio.
The specific action that you animate for your audition is up to you, so I recommend doing something that showcases your strengths. I look forward to seeing your audition, and hope that you can join our team!