ChaoticMonki StampHowlingKnight on DeviantArt

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ChaoticMonki Stamp



Teehee. So this is like... part of my mini-series I guess. I'm making stamps for my favorite youtubers because I'm a bored little asian. :'D And this is how I waste my time when I'm supposed to be working on Pre-AP summer assignments~

Yeah. Not the best. But oh well, muchachos. Suck it.

Anywho. Squee. Cry, Cryaotic, ChaoticMonki... whatever you call him. His LPs are amusing to me; he doesn't get over-the-top scared shitless, nor does he have balls of steel. Kinda perfectomundo. :'3 -loves his Amnesia CS playthroughs- And I felt so bad for him in his playthrough of Slender (the second part). ;__; He sounded so terrified. </3 Poor guy. I'm pretty sure all of your viewers damn near pissed themselves too.

Yeah. So here's Cry's stamp. C:

Template - [link]
Cry doodle - Le me. :B Pretty easy to draw.
Cry's Channel - [link]

:iconcrydudeplz: Yeah. He's taking over. <3

No, I don't want comments about how Cry, Pewdie, Toby, Crazy, and Nova are similar/copying each other. :'D That's just stupid. Thank you. C:
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99x57px 2.25 KB
© 2012 - 2025 HowlingKnight
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PowderedCactus's avatar

This aged like milk, didn't it.