howlfeather's avatar


Schoolkids and Goblins
6 Watchers10 Deviations751 Pageviews
Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Mar 5
  • United States
  • Deviant for 3 years
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Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (32)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio

hello. welcome. I'm Finch and this is Pine.

welcome. welcome to the journey.

#1: cabin

#2: visitor

#3: forest of frozen ice

#4: stairs

#5: the christmas town

#6: wolves

#7: ----

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every point helps make a difference.

0/2000 points

Profile Comments 10

anonymous's avatar
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BittyBatties's avatar

Thank you so very much for watching! I always appreciate a new watcher!

howlfeather's avatar
howlfeather's avatar

@seominguanNaver ur literally the dumbest person ever XD

U prob fuckign flunked out of 1st grade

Comment Flagged as Spam
ZZZVeexen's avatar

"People who boast about their IQ are losers" - Stephen Hawking

Also, why pick 204 of all scores for your fake IQ specifically? You'd think that someone who was that exceptionally gifted, someone with an intellect as high as yours would have surely been able to perfect their basic English grammar and punctuation by now. Nice try though.

howlfeather's avatar
Yesterdale's avatar

Hey, I saw your comment on the bayfox registration post on the site. Since it needs to be redirected, if you need help editing the bay you're trying to submit, just let me know and I can help c:

Also, if you want an account on toyhouse, I think someone I know should have a code. I can ask for one.