Dew Collectorshotpinkscorpion on DeviantArt

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Dew Collectors


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Hello dA! :) Long time no see?

How've ya'll been? I'm having a super duper slow season. Some of that is attributed to my laziness :blush: and some to a series of 'experiences' (best to call unsuccessful attempts as experiences.)

This piece is an 'experience'.
I had painted this for a children's story book cover competition, but unfortunately this was not something the author had in mind. They wanted something else. Something.. actually I'm not quite sure what they wanted. :(

So yeah, 'experience'.

I tried getting inspired from kagaya. :laughing: silly me thinking I can do something like that.
Nowhere near that level of art I'm afraid. :no:

I painted this piece in I think 10 hours. ._.
Photoshop CS5, my intuos arm extension, pot of tea.

Thank you all for having a look :)
good day ya'll!
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1654x2421px 1015.8 KB
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hazellifer's avatar
Holy faceatoo... Um... It's great =P