Wow! I just watched Chronicles of Narnia; Prince Caspian for the first time this evening and I absolutely loved it! I thought the effects were as realistic as possible and enjoyable to watch as well as having the brilliant novel based storyline. I thought the movie was awesome.
1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about their self on their journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people and post their icons on the same journal.
4. Go to their pages and send a message saying you tagged them.
5. No tag-backs.
1. Needless to say, I'm obsessed with twilight.
2. I listen to over 500 different music artists.
3. I'm constantly reading books.
4. I love wasting my money at the movie theaters.
5. I love watching stand-up comedy.
6. My favorite color is green.
7. I have a little bit of a temper.
8. I have a mini fridge in my bedroom.
I was tagged by

Go ahead and do this if you want, I'm too tired to tag people right now.
*end edit* (cause it's 2:35 AM and I'm still awake

Some title huh?
First off, HAPPY NEW YEARS TO EVERYONE HERE! Lets make '09 just as fun and special as 2008, with a little less drama perhaps.
I'm again going to have to play ketchup with my messages, journals, devs etc. I took a little break for the holidays to enjoy my family and friends.
I also need to finish those giftarts
I'm a little bit under the weather, just a cold but because of it, I didn't start my day till 11:30. I was up half the night coughing and sneezing. I'm really tired of being ill every other week.
Lastly, I really want to recommend a book to you guys! (and, cant you believe it?!, It has nothing to do with Twilight or vampires)
I got a Barnes and Noble gift card for Christmas so I went to spend it the other day. I was just browsing through the books and I happened across one of those books with an interesting cover and it read "New York Times Bestseller" across the top. I'm a sucker for flashy covers and an interesting prologue, so I bought the book. I couldn't put the darned book down! It had a very unique, clever storyline and interesting characters, I thought it was a fantastic, quick read so I'm recommending it to you guys!
It's called WAKE by; Lisa McMann
In Progress:

Wit'ch Fire - James Clemens
To Read:

Dead Witch Walking - Kim Harrison

In Camelot's Shadow - Sarah Zettel
(My neighbor reccomended these to me, so I thought what the heck, why not?)

Dracula - Bram Stoker
(Because I'm DYING to read the original Dracula)