horsewolf's avatar


Moved Accounts - LiveVivaciously
80 Watchers90 Deviations


2 min read
Yeah, I decided to make the switch.
I've grown seriously tired of my username and I do not want to get too tied down to this account.
And I want to start fresh for the New Year.

I will be uploading my favorite art from this gallery on the new one and I will only be updating on the new one
As for the majority of the other art, I may be deleting it.

*If you want to see a specific piece from the other gallery that I have not put on here, I will certainly put it up, just send me a note on my new account.

My stamps will remain on this account

The bittersweet part of this switch will be losing all of the wonderful and insightful comments given to me on this account...
But that also leaves room for some awesome new comments to take their place :)

SO, My new account:

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Hmm, since it's a new year I have been playing around with the idea of moving accounts because I really hate my current username.
Would you guys mind if I did so? or would you just be annoyed by the switch?

I don't know If I should bother because I have so much history on this account as well as page views, comments etc.

Would you guys, My watchers still watch me?

I really want to know what you guys think...

**Note If I did switch, My stamps will remain on this account because they are in use by so many people.

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Wow! I just watched Chronicles of Narnia; Prince Caspian for the first time this evening and I absolutely loved it! I thought the effects were as realistic as possible and enjoyable to watch as well as having the brilliant novel based storyline. I thought the movie was awesome.


1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person must post 8 things about their self on their journal.
3. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people and post their icons on the same journal.
4. Go to their pages and send a message saying you tagged them.
5. No tag-backs.

1. Needless to say, I'm obsessed with twilight.
2. I listen to over 500 different music artists.
3. I'm constantly reading books.
4. I love wasting my money at the movie theaters.
5. I love watching stand-up comedy.
6. My favorite color is green.
7. I have a little bit of a temper.
8. I have a mini fridge in my bedroom.

I was tagged by :iconyourdarkangelforever:
Go ahead and do this if you want, I'm too tired to tag people right now.

*end edit* (cause it's 2:35 AM and I'm still awake :shrug:)

Some title huh? :giggle:

First off, HAPPY NEW YEARS TO EVERYONE HERE! Lets make '09 just as fun and special as 2008, with a little less drama perhaps. :lol:

I'm again going to have to play ketchup with my messages, journals, devs etc. I took a little break for the holidays to enjoy my family and friends.
I also need to finish those giftarts :movingon:

I'm a little bit under the weather, just a cold but because of it, I didn't start my day till 11:30. I was up half the night coughing and sneezing. I'm really tired of being ill every other week. :sneeze:

Lastly, I really want to recommend a book to you guys! (and, cant you believe it?!, It has nothing to do with Twilight or vampires)
I got a Barnes and Noble gift card for Christmas so I went to spend it the other day. I was just browsing through the books and I happened across one of those books with an interesting cover and it read "New York Times Bestseller" across the top. I'm a sucker for flashy covers and an interesting prologue, so I bought the book. I couldn't put the darned book down! It had a very unique, clever storyline and interesting characters, I thought it was a fantastic, quick read so I'm recommending it to you guys!
It's called WAKE by; Lisa McMann

In Progress:
:bulletblue: Wit'ch Fire - James Clemens
To Read:
:bulletblue: Dead Witch Walking - Kim Harrison
:bulletblue: In Camelot's Shadow - Sarah Zettel
(My neighbor reccomended these to me, so I thought what the heck, why not?)
:bulletblue: Dracula - Bram Stoker
(Because I'm DYING to read the original Dracula)

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LOL! half of the things I got for Christmas this year had something to do with Twilight!

Haha, Here's the breakdown:

Twilight things~
The Edward Cullen Action Figure
Cardboard life size stand-up of Edward
Edward and Bella close up poster
Edward Cullen wall scroll
A replica of Alice Cullen's necklace
A Cullen Crest locket
Special Edition Twilight
The Host
Edward and Bella Jigsaw puzzle
Edward and Bella picture disk record
and the Cullen crest T-shirt. (that one was for myself from myself :giggle:)

Other things~
Phillips MP3 player
Horse Plushie
Barnes and Noble giftcard
handheld electric rubix cube thing a ma jig
Arie giftcard
another necklace
tote bag

Umm, I can't remember if there's anything else.
I'm extremely appreciative to my family! You guys make every single Christmas amazing for me :hug:

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I really want to bring attention to my personal website, It's mainly for professional use. I get a lot of requests by people I know outside the web, so I decided to make a site about my art and commission info etc.
Please check it out if you have time:

Geez, I'm having a very productive week.
On the bad side of things...I un-watched a lot of people today... I watched nearly 300 people and I just couldn't keep up any more. I'm down to about 150 now. Please don't be offended if I unwatched you.

I checked through 1700 deviations today.
I faved and ran... a. lot. and I'm sorry for that, but if I wanted to get through them all before my 110th birthday, I couldn't leave comments on them all...

I will be working on some more of those Christmas gifts later also, so expect another upload tonight or tomorrow morning ;)

***End Edit.

Have you ever had one of those days where you pull several monkeys off of your back and you feel so much less stressed?
I'm having one of those :D

I'm not going to dive into my personal life but within that I totally resolved something that was causing me to reel in stress for that that's all fixed I feel so much better.

I'm making a lot of headway on the Christmas gifts I had promised to nearly half of DA, my hope is to have them all up before Christmas.

And to make matters even better, I totally finished my Twilight mural! I'm loving the end result. ...Though it took me 40 minutes to scrub the paint out of my carpet after I was done. I'll have photos of it up as soon as I can.

In other news...
I got a good part in the play at my school. Considering that I'm a freshmen and usually all of the good parts are given to the upperclassmen, I'm pretty happy with having 20+ lines. Especially when more than 85 people auditioned.

We have more than two feet of snow on the ground. I love the cold and the snow always puts me in a good mood. The heat makes me cranky so I'm going to enjoy winter while I can.

I made my own bloggish type webpage thing to post my art and updates on. Basically like a professional gallery for commissions, news, etc.
Here's a linker to it:

I hope you all have an awesome holiday season!

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MOVED ACCOUNTS by horsewolf, journal

Moving Accounts? (I hate my username) by horsewolf, journal

2009, Ketchup and WAKE *Edit Narnia! Tag* by horsewolf, journal

A very good Christmas by horsewolf, journal

Bright and Shiny - for once *EDIT* by horsewolf, journal