HorseElena's avatar


Maria Elena (Saria)
110 Watchers136 Deviations

The lil bird in the cage by HorseElena, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (39)
My Bio

Current Residence: Somewhere like 45 min from Philadephia, Pennsylvania, USA but in my heart Southern California
Favourite genre of music: Classical & Video Game
Favourite photographer: Does any one have cool photographs (pictographs) you want to show me?
Favourite style of art: anime, manga, and disney
Operating System: Mac OS X (10) and a 1995 Windows PC (Mostly uses Mac))
MP3 player of choice: Something Zelda!...uh IPOD?
Shell of choice: Shell? Secert Shell?!
Wallpaper of choice: Anything Epona, Saria, or Link
Skin of choice: ???
Favourite cartoon character: Saria, Malon, or Epona
Personal Quote: Love 2 be Kind and Zelda!!!!!!!

Favourite Visual Artist
Too many to say! Well anyone who draws Zelda or animals to start with
Favourite Movies
Hayao Mikazaki flims like Castle in the Sky and Kiki, A ton of Disney, 1st org. 3 Star Wars.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Loreena McKennitt, Ryuichi Katsumata, Koji Kondo, Hajime Wakai,& Joey Kincer Ton of others
Favourite Books
too many
Favourite Writers
Anyone who is a friend who writes poetry and stories
Favourite Games
Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Kingdom Hearts
Favourite Gaming Platform
WII, PS3, DS, 3DS, Game boy, NES, SNES NGC and PS2
Tools of the Trade
Master Sword, Magic Sword(Zelda 1),Ocarina, &/or Bow and Arrow and a pencil XD
Other Interests
Zelda, art, Nature, computers, anime, the Ocean, Animals, Biology, and much more
Been gone too much and busy with my son.  Hello everyone, Busy with a one year old son named Joshua ( so been kind of really slow/busy to due to life. Will try this year to get new Zelda/any art up. Till then happy Easter and yay for Spring.   See ya around   Have a wonderful day! Take care Saria (Maria)  --------------------------- I have another account for all art that is Zelda or mature: :iconzeldagirl86: that will be posted here. My old Zelda art will always stay here on horseelena. Thanks.  Sisters: :iconPrincesses-of-Heart: :iconpinkfloydmadchen: My Saria and ...
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Saying hi

0 min read
It's new year a ready? What? and almost Valentine's Day? Well Happy Valentine's Day. Yesterday was a friend's b-day, my sister has a cute Itay cosplay video up: and I'm really busy. Going to school soon and helping Rachel with homework.  Have a wonderful day! Take care, Maria (Saria)---------------------------I have another account for all art that is Zelda or mature: :iconzeldagirl86: that will be posted here. My old Zelda art will always stay here on horseelena. Thanks.Sisters: :iconPrincesses-of-Heart: :iconpinkfloydmadchen:My Saria and Epona clubs:  :iconsaria-club: and :iconepona-club: Also a...
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Hot here and doing great, also Wolves are AwesomeImportant: :iconwoodland-mel: 's journal Please help and donate if you can. Wolves are such beautiful and wonderful creatures.The news said it was more like June here. Been in the 90's to 80's. Awesome news I haven't had a major seizure in over 2 years now and it's getting to be major head  (migraines) without meds (yeah my insurance isn't the best and they have to back on my . I got two case mangers now, along with two councilors. I got my FASA (college aid) done by April. Also taking driving lessons with my older sister as instructor, g...
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Profile Comments 1.2K

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Depomera's avatar

Miss you, hope you’re doing well. You were one of the realest OG’s on this site. Thank you for being so kind to me many years ago. (: ❤️

- darkshadowlink

Devinesouljah's avatar
Help bring Princess Daisy into main games here… her potential is strong it's time to spread the word
sagelyon's avatar
Hello. Tasui Here. ^^
DamselSexbang's avatar
Thanks for the fav~!
pisarczyg's avatar
Hi :) (Smile) Thank You for the fave Hug 
SonicPossible00's avatar
Thanks for the fav!
HorseElena's avatar