Current Residence: Somewhere like 45 min from Philadephia, Pennsylvania, USA but in my heart Southern California
Favourite genre of music: Classical & Video Game
Favourite photographer: Does any one have cool photographs (pictographs) you want to show me?
Favourite style of art: anime, manga, and disney
Operating System: Mac OS X (10) and a 1995 Windows PC (Mostly uses Mac))
MP3 player of choice: Something Zelda!...uh IPOD?
Shell of choice: Shell? Secert Shell?!
Wallpaper of choice: Anything Epona, Saria, or Link
Skin of choice: ???
Favourite cartoon character: Saria, Malon, or Epona
Personal Quote: Love 2 be Kind and Zelda!!!!!!!
Miss you, hope you’re doing well. You were one of the realest OG’s on this site. Thank you for being so kind to me many years ago. (: ❤️
- darkshadowlink