We all look the SameI look down the street
while people tweet
Everyone looks the same
you get affined
when I call you someone else's name
but you all look the same
your hair is died
your hair is striate
you even have the same eyes
you started out different
you started out unique
and than you came to school and work
everyone says to be yourself
everyone laughs when you listen
but if everyone was their self
no one would be mistaken
no one would be a clone
we would all fit in
we would do what we were called to do
people wouldn't get made for of
if we were ourselves
On Living with Ironic Oxymorons by DSteffi, literature
On Living with Ironic Oxymorons
What's it like to write a story that isn't yours? The photos we pin
on our bedroom walls,
they remind me of nicknames
on bathroom stalls.
The tears of our eyes
that our fists have shed,
have rung to tell me
‘ your scars haven’t bled.’ Poems were meant
to be read out loud.
Society has become injected
With a poison
That slowly strips away
All the individuality
That used surround
The heart that beats inside us.
The uniqueness of each separate person
Protected that flame
That burned bright throughout our lives until we died.But now that brilliant beacon
That used to shine through our eyes
Has been smudged by the mascara
Lining girls’ visions,
And the tattoo ink
That covers men’s bodies
Has splashed over
Our personalities
So that every person becomes a label,
A slut,
A jock,
A bully,
A victim,
And so many other names
That spew from our televisions
And blast from our headphones
Into our listening ears.How do we f...
15 They have my birthday wrong it's on the 16th not the first and don't know how to fix it so.., not good artist more like horrible. I am a squirrel, please don't judge. I play flute in our school band.
can also find me at peggybryan33@yahoo.com
17 year old Callie isn't doing well. Back legs stopped working last night and she isn't eating or drinking like she's supposed to. $900 dollars of vet bills this month but you can't win against old age. I love you kitty
Oh hey there, I just wanted to thank you for the fave~~ ^.^
Also...a bit of a shameless plug, but if you'd like to follow my work, other than the work that gets put up on dA then you should head over to my Facebook page and hit "Like". It would totally make my day!