Welcome to my dungeon!
I’m currently crafting a dark fantasy world with a touch of irony, loosely following (just the rules that suit me XD) the guidelines of Dungeons & Dragons (5e) to balance the chaos...
I’m a frustrated GM!
If you want to join in... pick a card
About my tools:
I use Photoshop 2012 Portable—not just for illustrations but even for animations! The game completely changed when I discovered the timeline feature. 😂
A little side note:
I’m a bit scatterbrained, so please excuse any delays in responding to messages!
Thanks for stopping by!
Tales of Forgotthen Kindoms 1074
Stories Channel 909
Liga A
Art Class 757
The Sacred Kindoms 672
Argentum Guild 611
-Dark expression 607-
-Evil Empire 581-*
Primera B Metropolitana
+Pop Culture 534+
Dead army 521
Myths 494
Monster Grimoire 410
The Ocean of Threes 398
Diystopian future 138
Music inspired 64
Para efectivizar la organización de mi perfil lo plantee en formato de liga. Tambien sirve para saber qué cosa de lo que hago gusta más y meterle por ahi.
To make the organization of my profile more efficient, I proposed it in a league format. It also helps to know what the public likes most about what I do, to know what to do more hahaha
Para el puntaje se cuentan solo las 8 primeras ilustraciones.
Only the first 8 illustrations are counted for the score.
* - Zona de Descenso
+ Zona de Ascenso
(Última actualización 22/12/2024)
Thank you
Thanks you for fave
Thanks for the fav!
Thanks for the favorite!
Thanks a lot for the fav and the badge, Hornerillo! <3
thank you !