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Deviation Actions

Horhew's avatar
The previous 1-year-old journal entry had its time, so off it went.

Anyway, nothing new really. This Autumn I finally learnt Adobe Illustrator, great piece of software, will put it to good use in the future (actually I already started illustrating with it-check Looking For The Tomcat's Magic House). If you wish to learn AI the fast way, just head to Lynda.com and get the training videos by Morty Golding. If you know Photoshop, it should take you less than 2 weeks to learn AI virtually inside-out.

At the moment I'm watching a video course on Flash Actionscript 3.0 and hope to learn as much as I can by mid-year, as web design/programming can be a really lucrative business...
Plans for January also include purchasing my own Wacom Intuos 4 tablet (atm I'm working on a friend's Wacom Graphire) and experimenting a bit with concept art.
Lightwave 10 was released recently, also have to look into that, but not until I finish my training on LW9, which I postponed for far too long.
In the meantime I will also be working on my final Uni project, a series of large traditional artworks which I will upload here as I finish them.

Last but not least, I updated digital-trees.com with some new Ps brushes, TIFs and special offers, which I hope to make the products affordable to pretty much anyone.

© 2011 - 2025 Horhew
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