Through A Looking GlassHorhew on DeviantArt

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Through A Looking Glass



A few days ago I thought it was a good time to polish perhaps the very first image that set me on the course on which I'm at the present moment as a digital artist. I'm talking about my mid-2005 "Through A Looking Glass", which, I might add, is one of my favourite images that I've done.

So...what's been updated: planets, gazebo design, character, jungle and other minor things.

Tech info:
-original resolution/filesize: 3200x3700px
-LightWave 9.2
-Phostoshop CS2 for post
-Vue 5 Pro and XFrog 3.5 for vegetation

That's about it I guess. Enjoy! Oh, and don't hesitate to leave your comments. :)
Image size
886x936px 164.17 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Horhew
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NatureFantasy's avatar
Is the thing dangling under the gazebo beneath the gazebo or in front of the gazebo? I'm guessing it is in front since I can see all 4 parts of the cross/plus-shaped thing above it, whereas if it was under the gazebo I'd only be able to see two parts of the plus-shaped thing and the other two would be under the gazebo. Am I right? Thanks, and sorry for my confusion.