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nn ms.j sAw (Noone borns wise)
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Valentine Haiku by HoremWeb, literature

Translation: 'Love?' by HoremWeb, literature

8 minutes by HoremWeb, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

10-10-15 11:53:35 by HoremWeb, visual art

Artist // Professional // Photography
Hype: You got hyped up! (13)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (8)
Nice Shot: Nice shot! (1)
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (2)
Whipped Cream: Someone loved your perfect bake! (2)
My Bio

A fotós honlapom
My  Homepage on Photography:


Please visit and give me a feedback. And please share it! Thank you!

A képeim / My Gallery ( <--- kattints rá! / click it!)

I am taking photographs for decades, started at the age of 6. I had several film cameras from pocket ones to SLRs, owned many and borrowed even more. I assisted the rise of digital photography: my first digital camera has an awesome max resolution of 320×240 px.  It is most probable that as a shop assistant, I sold the very first digital camera in Hungary. (Unproven!) Sometimes I draw, either digitally or by hand. I am not that good in it, though. Since 2018 I picked up analog photography once again, and I am still learning to use dark room techniques but collected several cameras to #shootfilmstaypoor and I have the tendency to enjoy using definitely difficult equipment. I often use a catadioptric 500mm f/8 Nikon lens on my Canon DSLR that has depth of field shallower than a sheet of paper and a Mamiya/Sekor 528TL that is considered one of the worst camera of all time simply because its sheer complexity. Nevertheless it is the final result that counts: the image.

Note: I have some eye difficulties, and the small texts on the screen sometimes give trouble. While I am a grammar nazi, I frequently make typos, just because I don't actually see the individual letters. I apologize for these mistakes.

I am founding member of Hungarian Tolkien Society, and I am established Tolkien fan. I was founder editor of KEMET, once most popular Egyptology site of Hungary, and study ancient Egypt since 1999 or so. There are very few things that I cannot relate to Egypt.

I am fluent in Hungarian  and somewhat in English, babbling a bit in Italian, learning some Spanish and French, picking up a bit of Cymraeg (dw i'n hoffi dysgu Cymraeg!) and know some words in German.

Please visit my page on RedBubble and buy as much as you want 

Favourite Visual Artist
Our Lord, Zseni Jung, Leonardo da Vinci, Georgia O'Keeffe, Maurice Cornelis Escher, Ansel Adams, Frizt Lang, Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Weston, Helmut Newton, György Korga, Cene gál István, Thuthmosis the Sculptor, etc.
Favourite Movies
Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi, State buoni se potete, LotR, 2001 A Space Odyssey, etc., Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, SW classics,
Favourite TV Shows
The Quenta Silmarillion (not broadcasted yet, perhaps not even recorded), The Mandalorian, Fight to Survive, etc.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Midge Ure, J. S. Bach, Vivaldi, Laibach, Mike Oldfield, Daft Punk, DCD, Röyksopp, The Queen, Fields of Nephilim, Holdviola, Balkan Fanatik, Albinoni, Philipp Glass, Nora en Pure, Lost Frequencies, Palestrina, J.N. Hummel, etc.
Favourite Books
LotR, Ptahhotep's Maxims, (the original, ancient Egyptian) Sinouhe (but I like Waltari's The Egyptian, too), Good Omens, Kalevala, The Book of Going Forth by Day, etc.
Favourite Writers
JRRT, Ptahhotep, Kagemni, Terry Pratchett, Attila József, Gyula Juhász, Kurt Vonnegut, Neil Gaiman, Chaucer, A. C. Clarke, Dante Alighieri, Pentawer, etc.
Favourite Games
Is Photoshop a game?
Favourite Gaming Platform
Earth, Water and Sky—but mind, before of all others.
Tools of the Trade
Blind Despair, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV and EOS 500 (non-D), VDS Camera 8×10", Schneider Kreuznach Apo-Symmar-S MC 240 f/5.6; Mamiya RB67 ProSD with 6×8 backs; Mamiya/Sekor 528TL; Yashica MAT 124G, Voigtländer Vito B, Olympus mjuII, various lights
Other Interests
Ancient Egypt (especially Old Kingdom, Thuthmosides, Ramessides), literature, music... and, of course, Her Smile, Her Hands, Her... Her.
My Mother is getting less and less well, her age consumes her mind. I have to take care of her almost completely alone this is why I mostly submit AI works. But... But I must have gone crazy, because I bought new-old gear. I have had some vintage analog cameras like The Beast (Mamiya RB67) and Yashica MAT 124G, a large format VDS field camera (8×10", but also accepting 4×5" sheets), a Mamiya / Sekor 528TL and a defunct Voigtländer Vito B for Leica films. This last one is big sorrow for me—this tiny and cute camera is such a good vibe to hold, set, use—but its images are all over the place. Cranks several frames at once, or just half as it (she?) pleased; shutter either closes or not… Perhaps this doesn't even count as a camera. The type Mamiya / Sekor 528TL is also a troublesome piece because its mechanics are rather overcomplicated and they are most of the time stucking, lagging and rusting in destroyed conditions, but mine is mint, only its leather case would need some care.
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It was so long ago. I planned to write something smart about it. I planned to mark the minute of it. It changed the world, 23 years ago, and over 3000 people perished—and even more in the following times. I wanted to give the honor to the moment, remembering all the victims, even if not one by one, and mourn a more naive, perhaps more free world. So I checked my wrist watch again and again, and saw I still have time. Took the dog for a walk. We walked some 3 miles or almost 5 km out in the fields and the dust roads between them, while she read every note the other dogs left there, either for her or just in general. I was planned what to do with my car because it's 20 years old now and must pass a safety check. This is common here in Europe. Somehow I briefly remembered Bill Biggart who just went home from walking the dog when he first heard about the events. The attack against the twin towers, that later took his life, too. Then I realized that I lost my phone. A crazy expensive
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For the first time this year, I just made a photo walk today! Bright sunshine, snow, clean day... It was a good day for my Mamiya RB67 ProSD to eliminate my needs for a gym :D (Images may or might not come later, I have to send it to a lab to develop because I cannot develop C41 film at home.)
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Profile Comments 1.2K

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TheLoveTrain's avatar

Seems like it's been too long since the last time I saw you, Zsigmond. I hope you're doing well and having fun. Thanks again, ol' buddy. I'm glad you found another one that brought you some enjoyment.

See you next time.


Lora-Vysotskaya's avatar

Thank you so much for the points!

PhBlur1's avatar


Thank’you so much for your favs

Please follow me on :


Instagram colors : www.instagram.com/ph_blur/

Instagram BW : www.instagram.com/sentenza2.0/


Have good day


Shards of Light and Whispers of Eternity
TheLoveTrain's avatar

Your generosity is heartfelt appreciated, dear Zsigmond. Thanks again.


HoremWeb's avatar

It's my honor Bryan! You're welcome!

TheLoveTrain's avatar

Always great to see you again, Zsigmond … Thanks for being here.


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