ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
HopelessAce on DeviantArt
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I'll probably re-upload this with shading later. lies
Finally uploaded page 7 after what? Two months? I'm awful at this. Anyway, new team members woohoo! I actually don't have anything against ratattas, it's just that I ran into so many early on I was surprised I didn't catch one on these routes. I'm pretty Nine killed the first encounter in dark cave,but this was more fun. I actually tried to put some effort into the backgrounds. Gold star for effort? This page was originally twice the length, but I clearly had to split it. The plus side is that I already have a lot of page 8 sketched. Probably won't be finished until after this next round of Duality though.
Finally uploaded page 7 after what? Two months? I'm awful at this. Anyway, new team members woohoo! I actually don't have anything against ratattas, it's just that I ran into so many early on I was surprised I didn't catch one on these routes. I'm pretty Nine killed the first encounter in dark cave,but this was more fun. I actually tried to put some effort into the backgrounds. Gold star for effort? This page was originally twice the length, but I clearly had to split it. The plus side is that I already have a lot of page 8 sketched. Probably won't be finished until after this next round of Duality though.
Image size
1080x6012px 4.12 MB
© 2013 - 2025 HopelessAce
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He's looking for his dad, isn't he? >w>