ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
HopeAngelis on DeviantArt
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Basically the same thing as the other submission called "Angel of Death" also dedicated to Kuja. The problem with photoshop and me is that too many things look good when you can only choose one option. So, who says I can only do just one? Here's the version of the angel of death in his practically trademark color of violet on white.
Note for other FF fans:
If you happen to be an FF9 Kuja or Zidane fan or all Final Fantasy game characters in general- as well as unafraid of yaoi or yuri, PM me with a collaboration idea! Fans working with fans can produce some awesome stuff.
CONSTRUCTIVE critique is the only type of critique that is welcome here, not insults. Especially concerning that I know this character is very feminine for a male. Insults of any nature or anything else juvinille is also unwelcome. The insults will be ignored and I encourage the fans not to retort either if someone decides to be a jackass, but ignore the insults as well, thanks!
Note for other FF fans:
If you happen to be an FF9 Kuja or Zidane fan or all Final Fantasy game characters in general- as well as unafraid of yaoi or yuri, PM me with a collaboration idea! Fans working with fans can produce some awesome stuff.
CONSTRUCTIVE critique is the only type of critique that is welcome here, not insults. Especially concerning that I know this character is very feminine for a male. Insults of any nature or anything else juvinille is also unwelcome. The insults will be ignored and I encourage the fans not to retort either if someone decides to be a jackass, but ignore the insults as well, thanks!
Image size
1100x1430px 672.98 KB
© 2006 - 2025 HopeAngelis
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This totally needs sooo much more love ♥ Because exposed Kuja flesh is seriously something EVERYONE needs to see, especially when created well like this. Well done ;D