You get a move, and you get a move!HoneyShuckle on DeviantArt

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HoneyShuckle's avatar

You get a move, and you get a move!




Ok, so... I was going to teach a pokemon of mine a Move before I got off and battle someone... when I remembered that if I did that, they'd know which pokemon I'd use.  so I had to teach Moooost of my pokemon moves to make up for that. so... Let's get to it then!

Francis gets 6 levels (three full bodies) and learns rest.
Everybody else only gets 4 levels, for being shown twice.
Tai gets Absorb
Fluffzilla gets Heart stamp
Sunshine gets electro ball
Hourglass gets Night shade
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800x1200px 255.45 KB
© 2014 - 2025 HoneyShuckle
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