Anyma - Charlie's UnBirthdayHomunculusLover on DeviantArt

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Anyma - Charlie's UnBirthday



Edit: Realised I didn't do Charlie's eyes right and forgot her mole under her right eye. So annoyed with myself. lol 

Was hoping to have this done for easter, but as always. I'm fashionably late. XD 

I know its not very "easter" themed, but I like doing Alice and Wonderland. Since I did it with the last easter picture.
Anyma - The Cotton Tail Tickler by HomunculusLover

Uh oh, Poor Charlie. She shouldn't be around The White Hare Hatter, she's devious and cunning.~ And she got the Tinymas involved....they're so cute, why can't I stay mad?
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© 2021 - 2025 HomunculusLover
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FTGenikit's avatar

I'm gonna say this right now: I wish Charlie a Happy UnBirthday. :giggle: May joy and laughter flow!

That said, those costume fits in pretty well with how the originals look. Bravo! :thumbsup: