Homemade-Heaven's avatar


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Comments 331

anonymous's avatar
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WolfieWear's avatar

Just posted a tons of new hats, check them out https://www.deviantart.com/wolfiewear/gallery

Meadowblooming's avatar
thank you for letting me join
StyxeriaArtCraft's avatar
the jewelry folder is over its size limit :( (Sad)
HinataFox790's avatar
Well, the Butler chain has been stopped for now. I now have a new human character that I'm looking to commission.

Size: 10 inches

Reference: Victor from Yuri!!! On Ice in his skating outfit? i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Cs0AAOSw9GhYZgCZ/s-l300.jpg

Fabric: Fleece and Minky. No amigurumi.

I just really like painted, embroidered or iron on eyes.

I do have a budget, I would prefer $55, but can do up to $150. I can do payment plans if anything.

Preferably before Christmas.

I request that if you want to suggest someone or something, please do not link me to company made plush or bootleg plush. The bootlegs come from the cruel labor of Children and I do not like that.

Anyone open? Please link me your examples!!!!
HinataFox790's avatar
Hello everyone, I thought I would comment an updated post here since it's been a bit. I am considering commissions for right now.

I am looking for Human Plush Artists that I haven't commissioned yet. They are hard to find, I know. But anyway, I am indeed looking for them.

Please know that I'm not looking for amigurumi, crotcheted, knitted or needle felt ones. These are NoNos.

The yarn thing just doesn't interest me and although needle felt plush are definitely crafted well like a plush sculpture, they aren't snuggly.

So, just to sum it up, looking for human plush artists I haven't commissioned before, no yarn or needle felt.

If interested, please reply to this comment or note me.

Thank you in advance for your time!
mjmccluskey's avatar

karlyl - Hey! You took our $$ and did not deliver what you promised. In fact, you delivered nothing. Send our Master back. Crook!!