Lilies Against Bears Final Ch. by HolyMaiden, literature
Lilies Against Bears Final Ch.
Chapter 8
Last chapter
Russia LiechtensteinIt means you must die, to know that your still alive.
The sea is high, and your heart is very low,
Son of Earth eating flowers, fruit of the ash
in your chest, forever darkness covers the sky
Sun releases the rope, dance over the walls
do Sun leave birds impenatrable ways.
- English translation of End of A Monster, by Paul EluardTime had passed since the Second World War. Many things had happened: some were good, but there was also the bad, and a tension that resulted in the aftermath of that war for quite sometime. Many of such conflicts didn't fail to escape the entire world at times, a...
Lilies against Bears ch. 7 by HolyMaiden, literature
Lilies against Bears ch. 7
HetaliaNote: please read the description at the end of the chapter.Lili understood why her brother was screaming out of her, but she was shocked and confused- what she was seeing was almost uncomprehensible.
Was Ivan finally able to return to his normal form again? The person before her had the same unusual hair color, and the purple eyes, but his other features were more mature looking, while maintaining a roundness in his face. He was quite handsome, she had to admit, and the childish innocence he seemed to have added to his charms- and he was noticeably alot taller then Lili assumed, possibly to the point that her head would barely reac...
Lilies Against Bears Final Ch. by HolyMaiden, literature
Lilies Against Bears Final Ch.
Chapter 8
Last chapter
Russia LiechtensteinIt means you must die, to know that your still alive.
The sea is high, and your heart is very low,
Son of Earth eating flowers, fruit of the ash
in your chest, forever darkness covers the sky
Sun releases the rope, dance over the walls
do Sun leave birds impenatrable ways.
- English translation of End of A Monster, by Paul EluardTime had passed since the Second World War. Many things had happened: some were good, but there was also the bad, and a tension that resulted in the aftermath of that war for quite sometime. Many of such conflicts didn't fail to escape the entire world at times, a...
I hope everyone has had a happy new year. I am considering making a second account. The sole reason being that I still feel serious about getting my book on kickstarter, but I haven't made a place in that community yet, and I would like to gather interest in it. For now, I need to make a new version of the proposed cover (because I feel the original isn't going to cut it.) and that will take awhile since I'm going to paint it.When the time comes, I will inform you all. :)
I don't get a lot of veiwers on this site, so there's one reason why I've been inactive lately. There's also school work, and other plesant distractions.
I've been enjoying Doctor Who, but I need to give myself a breather from it, though it's been diffcult to pull away, what with internet goodies, part two of series seven (I can't fully get myself into series 5 or 6- I know big key facts and seen some of the episodes- the best so far has been Vincent and the Doctor)... and then the 50th anniversary special info coming through. It's one thing for Ten to be returning, but even better when Rose will be in it too! :heart: I cant wait to see ho...
If it wasn't for the fact that I had drawn a new picture or faved new pics, I would have caused some concern for a number of my friends on this site.
Nothing much has happened lately. The opera at our college that I'm in is coming up very soon. And I'm slowly edging out of my second Doctor Who kick, unless something prolongs the fan art I'm working on, (and causing me frustration, like usual.)
I FINALLY had the chance to play the cult classic Earthbound. It was very enjoyable, but I have only played it twice now- I haven't left Onett yet!
Recently seen the movie Les Miserables- and read the book. I really enjoyed the movie, but I...