Chaotic CreatiaHolmes-JA on DeviantArt

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December 13, 2021
Chaotic Creatia by Holmes-JA
Featured by Ellysiumn
Holmes-JA's avatar

Chaotic Creatia


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I went a little overboard combining renders for this one.


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© 2021 - 2025 Holmes-JA
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D4rkfa73's avatar

"Lost in time where thoughts are faint echoes,

my city crumbles.

A path of destruction ahead of me,

tracing the footsteps of insanity.

I see the ashes of a bridge to gold,

I sacrifice my empty soul.

Emptiness crowds the streets;

I drain my thoughts, I carry on to bleed.

Dark energy is pulling me.

My old thoughts unheard, accelerating universe.

A darkening force, the unfathomed realm reborn;

Worlds of nothing, chaos forlorn.

The weak will follow the false cure of souls,

my weakness pulls me into the black hole.

Humanity, a blood trail caress;

I follow it to the unconquered fortress.

A blinding light made from distraction,

It burns your eyes out if you get too close.

Dark energy is pulling me.

My old thoughts unheard, accelerating universe.

Obscure flickers in the distance,

these lights blinked out of existence.

Dying systems pulled through a void,

experimental universe designed to destroy itself.

Release of energy from our point of origin,

will this cycle continue to be again?

Or will these stars fade and kill their systems?

Will our night sky be solar gravestones?

It pulls the thought of change from our minds,

the only thought unchained in our minds.

It drains your blood, rips out your soul;

your mind is hollow, you are time’s black hole.

Dark energy is pulling me.

My old thoughts unheard, accelerating universe.

Minds in a standstill as we walk on this treadmill,

our guide through the eons until our star is gone!" - Vektor