Diving with DunkleosteusHodariNundu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hodarinundu/art/Diving-with-Dunkleosteus-822390901HodariNundu

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Diving with Dunkleosteus



Sé que más de uno estaba esperando éste :B Dunkleosteus fue un enorme pez placodermo del Devónico; podía alcanzar tamaños comparables a los de una orca moderna, y estaba armado con una de las mordeduras más poderosas de todos los tiempos. Alimentarlo con la mano probablemente no es buena idea considerando que al parecer sus mandíbulas podían atravesar y triturar incluso la armadura de otros Dunkleosteus.

I know some of you were expecting this one :B Dunkleosteus was a huge placoderm fish from the Devonian; it could reach sizes comparable to modern killer whales, and was armed with one of the most powerful bites of all times. Feeding one by hand probably not the wisest idea, considering it apparently could bite into and crush even the armor of other Dunkleosteus!
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SonicZilla150's avatar

The diver should've taken Nigel Marven's advice and feed it via rounded shark cage. That's the smart thing to do