ThanXXX for the “Morimoto Gidayu Hidetora Final Day” Fav!
I really appreciate it!
This is the Last Day of this Acrylic on Canvas 40cm x 50cm Painting! It is inspired by the Work of Utagawa Kunyoshi!
I really enjoyed Working on it!
“Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you’ Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Dear Hockey Potato,
Happy Birthday to YOU!”
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it.
No problem! My pleasure! It was in TUNE too! For once (HaHa!)
I hope you had a GREAT Day!
Keep on Creating!
Thanks for the watch!
ThanXXX SOOO much for the "Watch"! I really appreciate it! I look forward with great anticipation to see more of YOUR Art! If you wish, you might care to take a look at the Art in my Gallery! It's a bit Labyrinthine, but, if you scatter breadcrumbs behind you, you should find your way out OK!
Keep on Creating!
Keep Safe!