Hi there! Welcome to my page!
I'm just another random college girl that loves to draw~
You can call me Aubrey or Aubs, as well as Hiyukee c:
I'm a silly goose, and I love it >v>
I completed the 100 Themes Challenge in August of 2015!
I love joking around and having a good time, so don't be afraid to talk to me! :3
hello awesome artwork btw is the request open?
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday!
Hello Hiyukee, I'm Calab2243 (But my friends Call me Calab). You have some good art going on. Even though I was blocked by nintendrawer, I do like the collaboration you guys did. (Aw crap, now I gotta explain.) While she was sick, I told her I was disappointed in her. And before you Criticize me, What I meant by that was "I was disappointed because she was sick", I cared too much about her for her to be sick. I didn't want her to Think I was hitting on her. Honestly, I deserve that block. I've been blocked by some people on here. As you can tell life on here as not been going so well for me, Hopefully I can be friends with you. Maybe we can motivate each other, And be friends.
Also, I just now noticed it was your birthday, so here is this.......
🎶Happy Birthday to you,.... Happy birthday to you.🎶
🎶Happy Birthday Dear Hiyukee,... Happy Birthday to you🎶
Happy Birthday!