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The common Light-Striped Drake (Draco linealbus) proves that we come across the dragon kin more often than we used to think. While the Common European Dragon requires large hinterlands to provide enough prey for a single specimen, for the Light-Striped Dragon a couple of walnuts is enough food to get by for a week.
Light-Striped Drakes resemble a small light-pelted stoat or weasel with a long thin tail that is commonly longer than the rest of critter’s body, and a pair of arched striped horns – which are the only feature the species retains from its ancient eastern ancestor Protodraco orientalis. Like in modern eastern dragons, it’s fur coat is short and somewhat soft to touch. Scales are present only on the paws. Moulting takes place twice a year: summer coat commonly consists of lighter tints - from cream to pastel-blue – while winter coat tends to use dimmer and dulled down colors – mostly grey, rarely tinted with blue. In winter coat critters also obtain their characteristic striped pattern with whitish stripes across darker pelt, that gave the species its name. After the summer moult, stripes become barely visible or even seemingly-absent on pure-white specimens.
When keeping one as a pet, remember that the Light-Striped Drakes are highly social creatures. Consider getting at least one extra drake as soon as possible, or devote more of your time to interaction, so that your critter doesn’t feel lonely. Unlike with rodents and weasels, it’s not recommended to keep Light-Striped Drakes in cages, as the critter is highly intelligent and can easily unlock common cage locks.