Lack of projects

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Himeco's avatar
I find myself wanting to draw but sadly I don't find any motivation to draw anything more than doodles. There would be one project I would be happy to work on but either I can't do it anymore or not yet. This leaves me with actually no projects nor fandoms to be enought into to draw anything. I don't remmeber not being "into" anything to not have the will to draw any fanarts >.> I don't get any commissions anymore either even though they are still open.
So maybe you guys have some suggestions for me? Or a commissions? Hmm?

Btw if we talk about doodles. Arty (for those who don't know, he is personification of my art. Kind of a funny guy) still has his own if you know what it is >.>

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lia-brisa's avatar
I would love to commission if I had the money u.u
You could continue stuff you left undone, that's what I do XD