GF: WEIRDMAGEDDON (Bill Cipher)Hikarisoul2 on DeviantArt

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Based on my new design for bill that i have scrapped recently.. 

My old drawing of Bill…

More info about the drawing:

BTW, i didn't watch Weirdmageddon when i was doing this, I was kinda too excited so i didn't know what he will look like.. and OH MY GOSH! it was totally creepy!!!

I was actually re-imagining of Dipper making a Final deal to Bill to stop his madness.. before.. the WEIRDMAGEDDON actually starts... but that.. didn't happen in the show. Plus even if he gets dipper's soul, he's a liar anyways and has loopholes somewhere on creating deals and contract. 

 :'D  In terms of Bill, I like villains that has potentials and pretty much will do anything just to get the result they want, also... I am attracted with intelligence... *facepalm*  I might do Toffee someday in Star vs. the forces of Evil.. 

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© 2015 - 2025 Hikarisoul2
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ghostyneptuna's avatar
Reaaaally nice job!!