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HikariMelody on DeviantArt
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I've been wanting to make a stamp for awhile, but never knew what I wanted. Then this just came to me today, so I had to make it.
Homophobia is HYPOCRITICAL
justifies hating someone
because you don't approve
in what's in the pants of
the recipient of their affections
You can't choose who you love
But you can choose who you hate
Homophobia is HYPOCRITICAL
justifies hating someone
because you don't approve
in what's in the pants of
the recipient of their affections
You can't choose who you love
But you can choose who you hate
Image size
100x57px 33.2 KB
© 2010 - 2025 HikariMelody
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I don't get it. How exactly is it hypocritical?