So I'm Kinda on this TF2 Kick...

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HikariM's avatar
And I've made a meme. Considering drawing more. Scoot for win.

It's been almost a year since I've been on here and I have a wall of 100 or so messages that need attending to.
I just keep avoiding them. So far, that's not working so well. I'm banking on the fact that if I ignore them they'll somehow dissapear. MAGIC plothole.

I'm going to be revamping everything in about a few weeks.
- All Spangel will stay because they've ranked the most favs.
- A few Emo Kids'll be yanked and redone because they're shoddy. PLUS, it'll be continued. I certainly didn't mean to end with a cliffy.
- PLUS PLUS a humungous upload of comics I have drawn since 2005-06 ish.

Prepare for amazingness. Over and out.

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