HikariM's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

  • Canada
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1)
My Bio

Current Residence: In someone's basement
Favourite genre of music: Classic Rock
Favourite style of art: Traditional
Favourite cartoon character: Johnny the Homicidal Maniac

Favourite Movies
Fight Club, Death Proof, Juno, Little Miss Sunshine, The Professional, and all that other indy crap
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Little Cow
Favourite Writers
Christopher Moore!
Favourite Games
Pokemon Snap, bitches
Tools of the Trade
Crap stuff. Like lead pencils and rainbow erasers. Dollar store.
Other Interests
Nothing that would interest you


0 min read
Upon further inspection, everything in my gallery is crap. I need to clean this stuff out....
anonymous's avatar
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And I've made a meme. Considering drawing more. Scoot for win.It's been almost a year since I've been on here and I have a wall of 100 or so messages that need attending to. I just keep avoiding them. So far, that's not working so well. I'm banking on the fact that if I ignore them they'll somehow dissapear. MAGIC plothole.I'm going to be revamping everything in about a few weeks. - All Spangel will stay because they've ranked the most favs. - A few Emo Kids'll be yanked and redone because they're shoddy. PLUS, it'll be continued. I certainly didn't mean to end with a cliffy. - PLUS PLUS a humungous upload of comics I have drawn since 2005...
anonymous's avatar
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Tonight (or, I guess, yesterday night) we stuck a bar of soap in the microwave for three minutes. It ballooned out to about three times it's size and the whole room smelled like mint. Completely harmless to the microwave and unbelievably easy to clean, so I highly suggest you try it. We each tore off a piece of the uber-soap; felt like styrofoam.In other news, I uploaded 11 new Emo Kid comics (basically, the whole lot that had been piling up until I got a new scanner)So.Hooray!PISS: To all those who have commented on/fave-d my stuff, thank you all, I will get back to you personally but have been quite busy. But you are still looooooooooved!!!
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Profile Comments 32

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HikariM's avatar
Still so surprised people are faving me stuff. It's lovely. Thank you all.
alciha's avatar
Thanks for the recent :+fav:! I appreciate it!
kytri's avatar
Thanks for the fave!
azureflame62's avatar
Oh, wow, your the Hikari in Wario Comix, right?
HikariM's avatar
Haha, yeah, I am. Sorry it took so long to reply. Suigi is my brother.

But wow, flashback. I showed up in his comic at least 5 years ago.
azureflame62's avatar
Omaigawsh. Its been like...5 months, I didnt think you'd reply. xD Those comics are genius. I started reading them when I was like...12.
HikariM's avatar
Amazing. Have you found Suigi on dA? Cauz I know he posts his hand-drawn stuff on there.
He has big plot ideas lined up for the future. As soon as Dave gets finished that goddamned animation.