Deania calceaHidetoshi1 on DeviantArt

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Deania calcea



    The Birdbeak dogfish, known to science as Deania calcea, is a species of deep sea squaliform that reaches a maximum known size of around 130cm long, and has a wide yet specific distribution on the world's continents, being found in places such as New Zealand, Japan, Chile, South Africa and in the stretch of the Atlantic Ocean's coast between Iceland and Morocco. Like many deep sea sharks, D. calcea has deficient data on much of it's behavior, but due to it's range and the accidental capture of this species as bycatch, there are some things we know about this species more than other species of dogfish. In 2011, Paiva found evidence of matrotrophy as a strategy for it's reproduction, through the analysis of the mercury (Hg) transfer between the female and the babies outside of the eggs; essentially, D. calcea is ovoviviparous! In 2013, Dunn described the diet of this species in New Zealand waters, along with other species of sharks commonly caught between depths of 200-1200m. The diet of D. calcea consists of mesopelagic bony fish and invertebrates, the later being represented on this very illustration by Oplophorus novaezeelandiae, one of it's confirmed prey items. Both papers will be linked below!

    About the art, I decided to draw Deania calcea because a mutual follow on X exposed me to it's existence, and I couldn't help but be fascinated by this odd shaped nosy species. Deania is a genus mostly unknown for myself, so while researching for it's diet and other interesting facts about it, I also discovered the existence of Oplophorus, and other funny shaped mesopelagic crustaceans; 2+2=4, is what I'm saying. I need to shake my fish art rust off, and I was able to associate both this sunday fish sketch theme (deep sea fishes) with the acquisition of a new monitor that doesn't fumble the colors like the previous one - meaning I can draw a bit faster now! One thing I'm not satisfied with is the marine snow. I tried to bullshit the lighting around to test new methods, but the marine snow kept reminding me of how boring it is to just use the "marine snow brushes" (unnoficial name) and stuff. My insatisfaction is a result of the patterns they follow, so I experimented with some sporadic hand drawn marine snow; and I'm not sure I like it but I kinda got the path in my mind, to try it out some other day. For this piece tho, I had to rush it under 2 days so I could finish it in time for sunday, so my artist calus was almost bleeding due to the attrition with the drawing table. I also tried some new methods to draw the pectoral fin, on the same layer as the overall body; it sorta worked! All in all, I figure it was worth the try nonetheless. Not my best but not my worst job so far!

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AtolmAzel's avatar

Another excellent piece!

There is a field guide that exists on only sharks, to which I cannot recommend enough:

If you have it already, great!  If not, then you should try and acquire it.