Art Recap 2024!Hidetoshi1 on DeviantArt

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Art Recap 2024!



Another year goes by, and 2024 closes to it's end! Let's talk about it!

For one, this year was busier than I expected, where I finally graduated and had to spend months researching fish guts in the field and writing papers and stuff. This ended up consuming most of my time, resulting in a less artistically productive year overall. Most of the fish illustrations in my regular fashion are concentrated on the start of the year, right before my fishing and sampling trips took place from march onwards until august and

september, for these reasons.

To avoid getting my art skills rusty and leaving my followers on the dust, I started the Weekly Sketches, around the middle of the year, and although they have been on pause in the last two months, they served well in the mean time as a quick way to both train skills and engage with the community. I will be compiling every sketch in a big image yearly, since I plan on keeping this challenge throughout the years until I'm satisfied!

Another factor the Weekly Sketches compensated was the increased number of fan projects and commissions I participated this year, which also consumed my time and some aren't even posted yet (for external reasons).

All things combined, resulted in what feels like a less productive year, but which also has been a good learning opportunity regarding themes outside of my comfort zone. I've been drawing more girls, and soon enough my skills will be in a place where I'm comfortable to try and merge my styles. Who knows? 2025 has a lot to offer, and 2024 was so fun that I regret absolutely nothing, even if my art recap seems a bit.. different from last year. Happy new year, see you in 2025!!

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© 2024 - 2025 Hidetoshi1
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