Howdy Doody Ladies and Gentlemen from the Internet, it's I, HGBD ( aka Harry Baez or just my full name )
Welcome to my Profile of HGBD ( ME )
In this website known as the DeviantArt ( 50/50 ) is where I post lots and lots of my artworks and fan arts based on my Interest and such whenever I find.
many people might know me, but if you're new to see me, feel free to ask what I do every day or... maybe a few sometimes in general.
Sure, I'm always a busy man, but for me is no easy-to-handle life nowadays, but I'll try.
and if you may wonder... what do I do in these days like this?
NOTHING really, just be cool with it. yes, I'm a fan of any character and Interested in a few franchises depending how it goes.
Also, I'm a friendly person, but I don't trust people who misbehave or be rude to me!
( if some may know more than others I mean )
Hope y'all have a great day!
I’m having trouble searching for a recreation background of a cutscene of Super Sonic and Super Shadow with the Chaos Emeralds(aura included)(from the SA2 game but in Modern Design). I’d make one myself but I’m no good with doing art on this website/app… Can you do it?
Guessing your really into 3D rn?
Ye- but I'm still slow like I am now but is fine and normal for me.
Hi! I see you've heard over Venjix5's OC, Professor N. Shroud. I recently came up with a new series.
Megan, Danny, and Molly Williams establish a group of ponies known as the Pony Elite Robot Killing Squad, or P.E.R.K.S. for short, protect Equestria from Professor N. Shroud and his robot army. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are among those recruited ponies.
He's done! I hope you like it!
uh... Buddy, I never created the model to begin with...
I only got it from "GUMROAD"
They did it before I saw it...