LightwavesHeWhoWalksWithTigers on DeviantArt

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HeWhoWalksWithTigers's avatar




This is a photo I took on Sunday (June 18th) of Kumara... you know, the sweetest tiger you will ever meet? I wanted to spend a bit more time with her since I have been busy with other things for a while. It was a really great experience, she seemed to enjoy my company and I her's. I edited the photo to capture both the almost surreal environmental circumstances occuring when I was with her and her angelic personality (hense the lightness of the image). I would like to think that for a photo that is not sensational in a technical photographic sense, it does get the point across - the time we experienced together in humbled silence was beautiful.

Oh yes... I was inspired by an amazingly beautiful acoustic cover of Eternity~Memory of Lightwaves from Final Fantasy X-2 which you can find here [link] Let me know if you want an mp3 of it.


Tigers are the largest of the big cats and are exclusively found in Asia from India to Vietnam, from Indonesia to the Russian Far East. The tiger can be divided into 9 subspecies: 4 are currently critically endangered and 3 are already extinct. Though estimations of tiger populations only a few years ago was 5,500-6,000, today populations are likely closer to 3,500 and are still declining. Dramatic declines of the tiger in India, thought to host the majority of the world’s tigers, have fallen to less than 1,411. Overall, the past decade has seen a 40% reduction in tiger habitat, which now represents a mere 7% of its historic range. Poaching is a significant problem throughout the tiger’s range, the demand for its body parts in traditional medicines, tonics, and exotic dishes driving a lucrative trade that is wiping out entire populations. Long-term threats include habitat fragmentation and prey depletion, which is accelerating the tiger’s demise and subsequently reducing the long-term genetic viability of many populations.

If you want to help, the best for you to do is to educate yourself ([link]), never buy products made from tigers or endangered species ([link]), and tell others. Contact me for more information.
Image size
749x553px 373.31 KB
Shutter Speed
10/2000 second
Focal Length
8 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jun 18, 2006, 3:02:12 PM
© 2006 - 2025 HeWhoWalksWithTigers
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hanovarianx's avatar
wow, its most beautiful :favlove: