When Two Sides Collide (Commission)HeroSmacker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/herosmacker/art/When-Two-Sides-Collide-Commission-827040826HeroSmacker

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When Two Sides Collide (Commission)



This commission was done by the lovely :iconkyos-mask: (kyos-mask)

I commissioned her to work on a piece that involves :iconchibidondc: (chibidondc's) characters in a boxing match, where they're inside the young girl's mind. It's basically her two personalities fighting against each other and it looks like her vampire side is winning.

You can check out her Vampair Series on YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WsZ2f… (Playlist)

By the way, if you want to commission kyos-mask. Here's a link to her commission sheet: www.deviantart.com/kyos-mask/a…

Also, I got the inspiration of this idea from this: www.deviantart.com/chibidondc/…
Image size
3000x2500px 843.46 KB
© 2020 - 2025 HeroSmacker
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No Misse dont lose your good side too the bad