Updated to better display my newest addiction. World of Warcraft. And yes, I am now on a roleplaying server...and I love it!
Current Residence: Lincoln MP3 player of choice: Zune Personal Quote: "Meh."
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Green Day, Radiohead, Rufus Wainwright, Keane
Favourite Games
World of Warcraft, FFIII, Halo, Knights of the Old Republic, Endless Ocean 2
Taking a WoW hiatus, and bought myself a Bamboo Tablet and Manga Studio. Back to doing strips because they're fun. Got a couple groups I'm in that I should post thingamajigs for:
:icontemerairefans: :iconSWCArtists:...hopefully I got those in right..
So I didn't include icons for all of the groups I'm in with my last journal, so here we go:
:iconsnapefanclub: :iconslytherin: :iconpotterart: