Mystery MinorityHera-of-Stockholm on DeviantArt

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Hera-of-Stockholm's avatar

Mystery Minority



We don't really know who they are. We see them now and then, but they tend to keep to themselves in their more or less gated societies. And nobody knows where their fortunes come from. Or what they're propelling their silent vehicles with. To mentioning just a few things with these beings who've been gathering around our towns over the last decade or so. What do they want? Should we fear them? They seem to be content with being left alone minding their own business, but will that change in a few years time, when they are plenty enough?

Oh and about thieves and other criminals entering their society. They dissapear. We don't know how and where to, but apparently they take care of them their own way.

Suffice to say: Vigilance around them should be adviced.


Background courtecy of :iconcosmopavonestock:
3D items from DAZ, Runtime DNA
Image size
1500x1200px 756.73 KB
© 2015 - 2025 Hera-of-Stockholm
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jmb200960's avatar
Strange and disturbing characters. Nice setup and lighting.