The Dragons of Middle Earth ( new Dragon!!)HellraptorStudios on DeviantArt

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The Dragons of Middle Earth ( new Dragon!!)



Last year i drew the five most famous dragons from J.R.R Tolkiens stories set in Middle Earth. They were fun to do and decided to give them another shot. These designs are inspierd by the style used in Genndy Tartakovskys Primal and from art by Johan Egerkrans, a swedish writer/artist. I decied to make the flying dragons with four limbs since last time i did them was four legged plus wings version. I also wanted to give them a sort of medival approach with beaks and ears.

I updated  with adding Gostir, another named dragon from Tolkiens works.

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They are not in scale to each other.

Ancalagon the Black: This is the largest dragon from tolkiens middle-earth. From what i have understand, he is big as a mountain, if not bigger. He might also be a lot smaller, still huge but Tolkien never define how big he really is.
He was created by Morgoth, the first dark lord of Middle Earth. Ancalagon was also the first winged dragon and was used the war of wrath where he was killed by Earendil, father of Elrond.

Smaug: Smaug the golden, Smaug the inpenetrable,Smaug the stupendous, his titles are many. He sacked the city of Dale before claiming the Dwarven city of Erebor for its huge treasure troves. There he guarded until a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins woke him up. The hobbit and dragon had a long conversation. Smaug realized that Bilbo was sent by the Dwarfs to retrive the arkenstone. Furious, he also decided to destroy the town nearby named Lake Town. He belived that the dwars and people of laketown was planning on steal the treasure back.

Glaurung, the father of the dragons was the first dragon ever created. He was created by the dark lord Morgoth during the first age. Glaurung revealed himself to early and duing a fight with elven warriors,he was shot with arrows wich made him crawl back to his lair. Glaurung was still young and his scales were not as hard. 200 years later, he emerged again, bigger, tougher and led armies of orcs.

Scatha the Wyrm: Scatha the wyrm was a long-worm, a snakelike dragon. Scatha is known for causing great troubles for both men and dwarfs living near the grey mountains.  He,like smaug stole a great wealth but not as great as Smaug.
Its not really specified if long-worms have legs or wings so went with snake body instead to make him different from previous middle-earth dragons.

The Firedrake of Gondolin: he Firedrake of Gondolin. It was a huge dragon that carried several balrogs on its back, it was used in that attack of the great eleven city Gondolin. This beast was created by Morgoth but just like Glaurung before, it to met its demise.

Gostir: This dragon is known only by name and was one of Morgoths dragons. Nothing else i written about him like what kind of dragon he was. I decided to draw him as a cold drake, dragons that could not breath fire but were still very dangerous.

Middle Earth (C) J.R.R Tolkien
Art by me

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l actually like old version better.