Myth: Children of LokiHellraptorStudios on DeviantArt

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Myth: Children of Loki



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 It begun with drawing a undead themed wolf but then it turned into Fenrir and by that, why not make its two siblings as well. Loki, the god of mischief got three children with the giantess Angerboda: Jormungandr, Hel and Fenrir.  When the gods found out about lokis offspring they understod that they could spell doom and captuerd them.

Odin threw the serpent into the sea where it grew until it could coil itself around the world. Jormungandr is also known as the Midgard Serpent. Hel was also thrown away, down in the land of the dead, Helheim. In the fall, she damaged her left side and sometimes also mentioned as being hunchbacked.  Fenrir was kept by the gods since Odin liked wolves and the aesir could keep an eye on him. However Fenrir also grew and grew so the gods had to chain him to keep him from roaming free.

But It was destined that both Fenrir and Jormungandr would join the forces of darkness during Ragnarök, the end of the world. The wolf will kill Odin and The serpent will kill its archenemy Thor. However even the two monsters would perish as well.....

I really like Norse mythology and felt for drawing these three since they are classic norse monsters. I was inspierd stylewise by Spyro Reignited and wanted to create a simple look with more focus on shape, characater than details. They are not 100 % accurate to the myths but i prefer artistic freedom than being accurate.

Richard Kuulme 2020
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8651x2864px 2.28 MB
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Dragondudde's avatar

Loki sure has some 'interesting' offspring.