Anubus Ur Titan recruit armorHellmaster6492 on DeviantArt

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Hellmaster6492's avatar

Anubus Ur Titan recruit armor



An armor inspired by Destiny 2 Shadowkeep and Destiny 2 Forsaken Great Hunt Titan armor. Forged to be an armor for Anubus Ur Titan recruit armor. 

Anubus Ur is a dark cult that worships and studies the darkness and Hive magic. To ascend to become something more and to protect there friends and family just in case the light fails us... its better to have a back up plan than have nothing... in becoming nothing u are lost... but in using the darkness we gain strength when others have lost it... why not use it for good against there very creators to push them back.~ ?   

I know these few projects were not on the road map but I felt like I needed to let some creativity out. My mind is starting to feel cramped again. 
Image size
648x792px 6.32 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Hellmaster6492
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DragonKnight-15's avatar

Very awesome armor. Reminds me of Power Rangers!