Evelyn Trevelyan Tarothellenys on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hellenys/art/Evelyn-Trevelyan-Tarot-505719227hellenys

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Evelyn Trevelyan Tarot



Yes, I know it doesn't look like a tarot and compared to the Dragon Age: Inquisition ones it's a totally different style. I'll make another attempt with my next character (female elf for sure).
I've never spent a month for a drawing untill now, really. This is actually a work in progress, because I can't finish it right now so before I mess it up I save and publish this version. It's too empty in the lower side - perhaps it'd look better if I cut about 90 pixels from the bottom.
If you knoe Dragon Age: Inquisition you will notice a few symbols, like the Anchor and the mage staff - I also wanted her to wear a gold ring, referred to the Cullen liaison. I was planning to add many others but still don't know where and how to represent them.
I used Olivia Wilde as reference.
I always draw faces, not bodies.. I am terrible at sketching poses, I spend a lot of time for proportions.
 I wish I could attend an art college, dammit.
Anyway, any advice?
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800x1296px 1.62 MB
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Aneksunamun's avatar
Magnificent. Your character is beautiful and I love the composition.