Very Thanks To :iconmoondus: , I've Been Tagged.So, here it goes.Rules:1. Post these rules.
2. Each tagged person should post 8 aleatory facts of themselves.
3. Tagged people should write a journalblog about these facts.
4. In the end tag and name 8 people.
5. Go to their dA pages and comment saying that they are tagged and hugged.1. I’m BITCH!…
2. I Began To Draw When I Was 3...
3. I'm Don't Know Love Me Or Hate Me?!
4. I'm Thinking All The Time Only About :iconbliss-23: I'm SORRY Bliss!!!
5. I'm A Fucking Artist...
6. I'm NOT Emo!!! I'm HATE Emo!!!
7. I Want To Live And Not To Die.
8. And well… I Can't Change Who I am…The tagged: :iconbl...
In my latest journal entry: Halloween Feature - [link] Hope that you enjoy this feature, please feel free to favorite and or comment on the other lovely pieces of art. Please favorite the journal if you enjoyed it so that you and the other artists may get more exposure. There is a good chance that you have been featured more then one time. If you do not wish to be featured in this journal, please let me know and I will take your art out.