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Heidi bluegirl Calvert
43 Watchers13 Deviations
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My Bio

Current Residence: Hollywood, California
Favourite genre of music: new wave, electroclash, punk, 80's synthpop
Favourite photographer: Richard Avedon

Favourite Visual Artist
Andy Warhol
Favourite Movies
I shot Andy Warhol, Basquiat, Silence of the Lambs, Secretary
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Duran Duran
Other Interests
click on each image to see a larger version. CLICK ON THE LINK TO SEE A FEW OF THE PIECES NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-SHOW PURCHASE & ALSO GET A TASTE OF WHAT'S IN STORE FOR FIRST FRIDAY, JULY 1ST AT PERIHELION. PLEASE CONTACT AMY YOUNG OF PERIHELION VIA EMAIL OR 602.462.9120 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING. THANKS! New Times Article First Friday, July 1st, 2005 6:30 p.m. - Midnight (show runs through July 30th) Perihelion Arts 1500 Grand Avenue (next door to the Bikini Lounge) Phoenix, AZ 85007 602.462.9120 http://www.perihelionarts.com/ Presents A Photographic Retrospective By Heidi *Bluegirl* Calvert about bluegirlNEW YORK CITY * LOS ANG...
anonymous's avatar
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*BLUESHOW @ Bluespace *Saturday, July 9, 2005 *Bluespace *5519 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90028 *323-465-5682 *9PM-2AM *Doors open at 9PM *$5 gallery donationBluegirl Productions Presents "BLUESHOW"(Hollywood, CA. July 9, 2005) BLUEGIRL PRODUCTIONS presents "BLUESHOW: An Erotic Show" at BLUESPACE GALLERY.Summer's HOT as so's our art! Presenting Erotic Art and Photography from LA's naughtiest!18 and up to enter, please!Art show curated by Heidi Calvert featuring Perry Gallagher, Dave Naz, Heidi Calvert, VK7, Louis Fleischauer, Gidget Gein, Ashley Fontenot, Kari French, Michele Waterman, L. Croskey, Julie Simone, Cyndee Aroyyo, Eban Lehr...
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Profile Comments 12

anonymous's avatar
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I met one of your model's - Amber Ray when she did the burlesque ball tour in Australia - beautiful artist - your photographs have perfectly captured her unique character and burlesue beauty. thank you for the beautiful new favourites!
virusemission's avatar
Hi Heidi I added your DA I hope you dont mind xoxo Jazzie B. :love:
Vijay2023's avatar
Welcome to DA....nice gallery.
isoelectric's avatar
oh good lord! This is tremendous stuff! Thanks for jumping on board!
zerothirtythree's avatar
some fashion-y photography that doesn't fucking suck.

heidibluegirl's avatar
ahaha thanks!
I'm glad I dont suck! ;)
cHeMiCaL--hIsTeRy's avatar
hey heidi! i read on justnartist's journal that you were here!

(and...ehr... im sorry about not collecting my stuff that time and being so unprofessional, i really would have liked to do it but was so out of money.)
