*BLUESHOW @ Bluespace
*Saturday, July 9, 2005
*5519 Hollywood Blvd.,
Hollywood, CA 90028
*Doors open at 9PM
*$5 gallery donationBluegirl Productions Presents "BLUESHOW"(Hollywood, CA. July 9, 2005) BLUEGIRL PRODUCTIONS presents "BLUESHOW: An Erotic Show" at BLUESPACE GALLERY.Summer's HOT as so's our art! Presenting Erotic Art and Photography from LA's naughtiest!18 and up to enter, please!Art show curated by Heidi Calvert featuring Perry Gallagher, Dave Naz, Heidi Calvert, VK7, Louis Fleischauer, Gidget Gein, Ashley Fontenot, Kari French, Michele Waterman, L. Croskey, Julie Simone, Cyndee Aroyyo, Eban Lehr...