Inside The GuildHedgey on DeviantArt

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Inside The Guild



This is my fave pic from my animation!

It took some serious thinking to fit all the characters in but I managed it! XD

Where's Team Eevee you say? I couldn't fit them in! XD

Where's Gina, Flame and Aqua you ask? They're in the next part of the vid! XD

Sorry if SHinerback looks off, I didn;t have her ref yet so I jst did her like a normal Squirtle with the Team Crunch bandanna! ^^

I be sorry, I accidently put a bandanna on Kendall! D:

Don;'t you just love how some Pokemon lean on the others? (My fave has got to be Singe and Blaze, they look like a couple! XD)

Oh and about Blaze, he is an orange Totodile since he has fire abilities as well, I didn't make a colouring mistake! XD

First time drawing Chatot!

They are inside the Wigglytuff Guild btw!

Hope you likey! ;D
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550x400px 119.44 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Hedgey
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ShiningBarboach's avatar

Overall epic picture, just wanted to have a spaz over my prompt inclusion in the story. I'm sorry for not giving you a ref sheet yet, I will shortly. >___>

Eeksers! You draw Cubone so well! (I love Cubone, it plays a major role in the PMD comic I have yet to draw. XD)