I am gay.
I'm not a disease, I'm not a problem
I'm not an affliction
I don't need treatment.
I don't need help
I'm not sick
I'm not confused
I'm not a sin.I am gay.
I'm your daughter
Your sister
Your friend
Your co worker
Your classmate
Your acquaintance
A complete strangerI am gay.
I need love, just like you
I need smiles
I need support
I need a hug
I need a friend
I need a family
I need acceptance
I need understanding
I need youI am gay.
I know what love is
I know what pain is
I know what hate is
I know what life isI am gay.
And I need you to love me
The same way you loved me before you knewI am gay.
And I have experienced hate
From more...
I know not why I did it
Nor why I feel this way;
Things needed not to have been said,
But I voiced them anyway.
It hurt me, yes,
But not at first.
It killed me slowly like cancer,
Continually getting worse.He knows not why I did it
Nor why I stopped so soon
To love him was to murder him,
To stay would be his doom.
I know it hurt him beyond comprehension,
worse than I, no doubt;
But the distance is simply fatal,
He'd have been a ghost by now.I still love him.
I still want him.
But does still he want me?
Would it even matter
In the end?
For even still he haunts me.I am an empty person;
Merely a shell.
This leaves me to conclude one thing:
I'm sorry I've been sooo busy and haven't had to time get up here. I just recently moved to ncsa, and I'm now living on campus. (it's an art school...in case you were wondering)I probably won't be getting on deviant anymore or as much as I used to. I'm really sorry! But as soon as I get some projects done I'll post them for you guys to see!Thank you to those of you who are still following/watching me on dA for sticking around and not leaving. :)-Hayley