Welcome to Havensake!
We are a mostly Discord-based magical cat group that is a continuation of @@The-Golden-Butterfly! We offer a creative member-driven ARPG with a lot of lore, plots, and a very warm and fun community.
If you are interested in joining the group, you can take a look at our website, and note the group below to join the Discord and take a look around!
(please note that it may take us some time to respond to notes as the group is hardly dA-based anymore; if you have not heard back after two weeks, please bump us!)
hey y'all, havensake is still very active! we're just primarily discord-based now and very rarely look at dA if we don't have to since they changed how groups work and we had to redo our entire system after that. if the group ever closes, we'll be sure to let you all know. thanks! ♥
Hello is the group still active and taking the discord join requests through notes?
i know you already got a link, just answering yes so people know we're around lol. just very slow on dA these days