Hug 3 - The RoosterHauntedAlhambra on DeviantArt

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Hug 3 - The Rooster


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Did I tell you this one was lethal?

In the previous pieces, I wanted the animal to be the carrier of the message - although the dog one can be considered absolutely balanced. This time, it is the human who rules the composition and decides the end of the story.

To eat or not to eat. That is the question.

This is definitely not my favorite, but I'm pretty happy with the palette. I thought I had ruined it by choosing blue, but it's pretty decent. On the other hand, the face I took for reference had a rather different structure than the faces I'm used to draw. Still high cheecks, but her chin is round, and I had to constantly ask people whether she was pretty or not... What do you think?
Image size
2541x3782px 16.61 MB
© 2024 - 2025 HauntedAlhambra
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aralk's avatar

I think she looks stunning! Very elegant and poised. To me it definitly feels like a strong vibe of protection towards the rooster and judgement towards the viewer to ever dare think of eating such a magnificant creature.

The blue against those reds feel also very elegant and royal and adds to the general vibe.

And let me just highlight that piece of clothing! The detailed design on those folds is just beautiful! Great work! :clap::love: