
5 min read

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hatsu-hinoiri's avatar
Let me start from the most important fact: my house got burglared. They stole my laptop and digital camera, all because of my grandma – being a nice person, she let the thieves in. Luckily it’s the first time it happened and I hope it’s the last one too. It’s complicated and I’m too upset to describe it in details, so sorry, I’ll leave it without much explanation.
It’s the first time anything was stolen from me and when I found out, I almost fainted.
I wonder if I can sleep tonight.
The worst part was going back home from work, I was trying to remember what I left close to the laptop. It soon turned out that it was my digital camera. External hard drive [400 gb] was also there, but luckily, they didn’t take it. I care more about it than about the laptop itself. I’m storing there many different things, so luckily I don’t have to wonder what some strangers will think about me after seeing those files xD
When I’m thinking about it now, I guess it’s not that bad, because surprisingly, in the end this situation has more positive sides than the negative ones:
- my laptop is gone
- my digital camera is gone
- I lost many anime scans etc.
- I can’t take pictures when everything around me blooms and looks so pretty
- I don’t have money for a new laptop and camera
- grandma is fine
- they didn’t take my external hard drive, tablet and PS2 [I bet they didn’t expect to find anything in a shoe box xD], not to mention TV and video/DVD
- I have a PC too, much newer and better than the laptop was
- they didn’t go inside the other room, where I keep more of my stuff, including dozens of pairs of silver earrings
- being a true genius, I recently started keeping all my pictures and vectors from my other dA account on the external HD [I used to store it in the laptop], so Kiba vector I finished yesterday is safe ^^
- I have a reason now to buy a new laptop [I’ve been meaning to buy it for the last half a year and now I’m thanking heavens that I haven’t done that, because losing a brand new laptop would suck]
- I have a reason to buy a new camera :D
To sum up, it’s not that bad, even if it’s not a nice experience either >_<


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sweetpainter's avatar
masakra, mmie okradziono kilka lat temu, dom przewrócony został do góry nogami, nawet obrazki ze scian były zerwane i powyrywane z ramek, najgorsze w tym jest uczucie jakie się ma kiedy zdajesz sobie sprawę, że jakies gnoje łazili Ci po mieszkaniu, robili co chcieli, brali co chcieli i widzieli to cowydawało sie należeć tylko do Ciebie.....
to bardzo podłe uczucie i naprawdę gdybym wrócił kilka godzin wcześniej do domu pozabijałbym gnoi gołymi rękami.....
a policja
" wie pan, jest sezon urlopowy, nie mam ludzi, mała szkodliwość społeczna......" umorzyli po 2 tygodniach