The Mighty Masked Matterhorn (and Humdrum)harwicks-art on DeviantArt

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harwicks-art's avatar

The Mighty Masked Matterhorn (and Humdrum)



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I'm back from the convention and should have a variety of new things to share with you all in the coming weeks!  This one first premiered on my Patreon.

I've always been meaning to get around to tackling a super-hero pony image, and now I finally have!  Personally, I love the Mare-Do-Well costume the best, but I wanted to try my hand at some of the Power Pony designs instead, in part because I never quite felt that they worked, design-wise, in the episode itself and wanted to see if I could tweak them to a point where I'd be happy with them.  

I think I made it there, ultimately... and I didn't need to do all that much beyond play up some different materials for different parts of the design and tone down some differences that seemed to clash a bit in the original artwork, and maybe to a bit of tailoring to get to costume proportions that I liked.  And of course, adding a bit of "Batman the Animated Series" flair couldn't hurt any either...

After being told to do so numerous times, I have finally set up a tip jar at Ko-Fi:
If you're feeling generous and would like to encourage me, feel free to drop me a small amount... it would be most appreciated!

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1600x1211px 1.09 MB
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BrokenAdam's avatar

Unknown Brain - Superhero ft. Chris Linton

Like you, be strong to hold the powers

of the sun.

To dream, believe in strength now I'm

the only one, only one.

I was an ordinary boy until I broke the

rules, my life destroyed, life destroyed

until I woke awake, scream my mind I

shout the ground shakes.

How much can I take? My mind will break,

will it break? Can I take? Can I be your

superhero? Superhero?

Can I be your superhero? Superhero,

superhero, superhero.

Fly up, away, it’s the first time of today,


To dream, believe, you are the strength,

you’re all I need, need, need.

Oh, gonna give it a shot, only one of me,

to shield you all from the enemy, your

superhero, your superhero.

Can I be your superhero? Superhero, superhero,

superhero? Can I be your superhero?